General Information
Rentals are $25/hour
Average range is 50 miles
Least expensive bike is $999
Average price is $1500
Bikes go up to 28mph
Average battery life is 1000 charges (5 years)
| E-bike Rentals $25 |
Gift Cards Available
| E-bike Rentals $25 | Gift Cards Available
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Ojai Valley Bike Trail
One Of Our Personal Favorites.
Go see what all the hype is about. The beautiful city of Ojai is only a scenic 1.5 hour ride away!
3 Hour Round Trip ( add 1 HR for lunch)
Great Places to Eat & Shop
Beautiful Scenery
Paved Path Surrounded by Trees and Mountains
Beach Trail ( Ventura - Carpinteria).
Our Namesake.
Check out the incredible California coastline like never before! Turn around early if you’re short on time.
3 Hour Round Trip ( add 1 HR for lunch)
Epic Coastline
Paved Path Surrounded by the Ocean
40 S. California Street, Ventura, CA 93001
Located Downtown Ventura - Next to LURE Fish House